Inspired through personal life struggles and social conditions, Linda developed a passion for understanding human behavior, perceptions, silent traumas, and teaching principles to overcome adversities and live their best life. Consequently, she devoted herself to spiritual and personal growth, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in both theology and psychology, a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy, and studies towards Ph.D. in cognitive psychology. Linda is a certified facilitator of Prepare-Enrich and SYMBIS (saving your marriage before it begins) assessments. Upon certification as a family mediator with the Florida Supreme Court, she expanded her expertise to include conflict resolution. Conflict resolution includes the role of counselor/mediator with the Arizona Superior Court, Family Center of Conciliation court, working with couples and families for the past 10 years.
Linda provides online/remote counseling and coaching in the areas of life, relationships, and behavioral care; facilitates divorce recovery groups and children of divorcing family groups, with Divorce Recovery of Tucson Arizona.
As a consultant and international speaker, Linda became a certified consultant with the Profession Woman Network of Louisville Kentucky, and has provided services to organizations ranging from corporate and government to non-profits agencies and ministries.
Simply put, Linda’s mission is to help you become your most brilliant self and experience to experience relationships with yourself and with others.